BoxCryptor vs Cryptomator

May 01, 2022

BoxCryptor vs Cryptomator: An Overview

When it comes to cloud storage encryption, there are two big names that usually come up as possible solutions: BoxCryptor and Cryptomator. But how do they compare? Here is a neutral, fact-based comparison that hopefully will help you make an informed decision.

Ease of Use

BoxCryptor is known for being very user-friendly. Its setup process is a breeze, and encrypting files and folders is as simple as right-clicking them and selecting "encrypt". BoxCryptor works with a large number of cloud storage providers, including Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive.

Cryptomator, on the other hand, also has a straightforward setup process, but it might take you longer to get the hang of the user interface. However, once you do, you'll find that it offers a lot of customization options. Cryptomator is open-source, which means that anyone can check its code and make sure that there are no vulnerabilities or backdoors.


Both BoxCryptor and Cryptomator use strong encryption algorithms to protect your files. BoxCryptor uses AES-256 and RSA encryption, while Cryptomator relies on AES-256.

However, there is one major difference between the two: BoxCryptor stores your encryption key on its servers, while Cryptomator keeps your key locally, in your device. This makes Cryptomator a more secure option, as there is no way for a third-party to access your key, even if BoxCryptor were to be hacked or subpoenaed by a government agency.


Since BoxCryptor stores your encryption key on its servers, the process of accessing your encrypted files on a cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox might be a bit slower than with Cryptomator. However, BoxCryptor has implemented advanced caching mechanisms to minimize this issue.

Cryptomator, on the other hand, might struggle a bit with large files. Its encryption process can slow down your computer significantly.


Both BoxCryptor and Cryptomator have free versions, but they also offer premium plans with extra features. BoxCryptor's paid version costs around $48 a year and includes unlimited cloud storage providers, while Cryptomator's premium version costs around $26 a year and includes file versioning and cloud service integration.


In conclusion, both BoxCryptor and Cryptomator are reliable, trustworthy encryption solutions for your cloud storage needs. BoxCryptor is the better choice if you need to work with multiple cloud storage providers and require faster access to your encrypted files. Cryptomator is more secure and customizable, but it might require a bit more patience to learn its user interface.

We hope this comparison has been helpful. Remember, whichever option you choose, always make sure to keep your encryption key safe and secure.


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